Sponsor Visits

At Hope & Serenity Farm Sanctuary, your sponsorship plays a crucial role in the lives of our animals. Your support provides essential resources for their care, including food, shelter, and medical attention. Through sponsorship, our animals receive the support they need to thrive in a safe and loving environment. You contribution truly makes a difference in their lives!

Come by the farm by scheduling a visit below to spend time with your chosen sponsored animal or get to know some new faces! We want your animal to know you and your love and attention is so important to the happiness of our animals.

Don’t forget!


  • Do bring leftovers like grains, fruit, and veggies. Your local grocery store will probably give you a bunch of free produce, just ask!

  • Do donate canned dog food, cat food, and dog biscuits, as they are always needed.

  • Do wear appropriate footwear.

  • Do book online first before coming.

  • Do enter through the gift shop.

  • Do park in designated areas.

  • Do supervise your children at all times.

  • Do handle animals gently.

  • Do immediately report any unsafe condition or injury to Renee Small.

  • Do wash hands well with soap and water before leaving.


  • Don't wear open-toed shoes.

  • Don't drive on the grass.

  • Don’t bring any food or snacks with meat

  • Don't enter the property without booking online first.

  • Don't allow children to climb on farm equipment or gates.

  • Don't scream or run anywhere on the farm.

  • Don't open gates without permission.

  • Don't get too close to the dog yard.

  • Don't walk or run up behind a horse or donkey.

  • Don't leave valuables unattended. The farm is not responsible for lost or stolen items.

  • Don't hold the farm responsible for damage to your vehicle during your visit.

  • No plastic bags

    If you bring produce, please cut it up and use a metal bucket to carry it. We will make a table available at the farm entrance to cut up food. Please of any plastic before entering the farm.

  • Don't feed with a flat hand

    Do not use a flat hand to feed animals. Instead, please hand them a treat like you would a pet dog. We can show you if you are not sure how to do it.

  • No treats for some animals

    We love for you to bring yummy fruit and veg for our animals with a few exceptions! Please do not give treat to dogs, donkeys or horses. Please do not feed crackers, cereal or bread to the rabbits and guinea pigs.

  • No food in the paddocks

    There are too many animals in the paddock area to safely share food and treats. Please leave your food buckets outside the barn before entering for your safety.

Schedule your sponsor visit using the calendar below. If you have not taken our tour previously, please schedule a regular tour - see the tour link below.

Sponsor visits are for the sponsor and immediate family members only. If you have friends or extended family that would like to visit, please schedule them for a tour.

NOTE: Sponsor visits will not be available on days when we hold special events.